A tool to integrate dental health into medical and healthcare settings
A major barrier inhibiting greater collaboration between dentists and medical or other healthcare providers is often the lack of a shared communication channel or a shared hub of clinical data. MouthWatch solutions make it easier to connect dental and other healthcare providers together in the service of more complete patient care.
ER/urgent care center
Live consultations or shared images vis messaging take the guesswork out of ER or urgent care visits that are redirected to the dentist.
Federally Qualified Health Clinic (FQHC)
FQHCs that need to make the most use of every interaction can use TeleDent and intraoral image capture with MouthWatch cameras to achieve that.
School-based Health Clinic (SBHC)
Caries is the number one treatable childhood condition. And poor oral health directly impacts student learning. SBHCs have an easier path to improve student dental well-being with TeleDent.
There has been no good solution to manage dental clearances until now. Refer patients for dental clearances while medical professionals stay in the loop.
Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA)
Virtual screenings, on-site mobile visits, or community outreach efforts using TeleDent and MouthWatch imaging can lift oral health for underserved populations while reducing need for patient travel.
Elder Care Facilities / Nursing Homes
Seniors have a dramatic need for oral health improvement. Health providers connected to dental professionals with TeleDent can provide better patient education, on-site staff training, and effective triaging of those patients who do need an office visit.
Learn more about how Teledent facilitates integration of health care and dental care.
Key benefits of combining MouthWatch camera and teledentistry solutions
TeleDent software and intraoral cameras can be used together to support coordination between healthcare touchpoints and dental care providers.
Connect healthcare providers with remote dental professionals
Allow nurses or other care providers in settings such as FQHCs, SBHCs, eldercare and managed care facilities to connect patients to clinical dental expertise. Communications enriched with intraoral imaging lead to a fuller picture and better care.
Capture and share better clinical data
Intraoral imaging captured by easy to use MouthWatch cameras help ensure patients get the treatment they need. Share with other providers or patients and their stakeholders.
Educate healthcare providers on oral care
It’s not just patients that can be connected to clinical dental services. TeleDent and MouthWatch cameras make a great team to provide training, education and guidance for delivery of oral care. Adding MouthWatch intraoral cameras to a TeleDent connected healthcare delivery service means healthcare teams can serve patient oral care needs more fully.
Learn more about MouthWatch teledentistry and intraoral imaging solutions
Industry news and resources
The demand for virtual care is on the rise. Stay in the know about recent teledentistry news and MouthWatch resources.
Improve workflows and patient experiences
Collaboration between dentists and medical providers is easier than ever with our intraoral cameras and comprehensive software.